About the artist

Heck!Hello, I am Wreckoon. If you want a nickname from me just call me a frikin wreck honestly. I also go by the name 'Wackoon' because everything about me is hella wack. ( La for formality I guess)I love shitposting and my raccoon drawings are my copium. I have given art its purpose by giving it its standard meaning which is "art is an expression" which I obviously use to express myself... by drawing self - destructive artworks that commemorate the death of my confidence.I also draw actual stuff and my art styles are pretty inconsistent but hey, practice makes constant improvement! or variety ;)I'm one inconvenience away from selling my kidney because of my broke ass.My birthdate is on April 15 so give me gifts by then.Tools I currently use: Veikk S640, Paint tool SAI. I do not have an Ipad or a flashy setup because poverty overwhelms me.Please do donate to my Ko-Fi. This is a threat.
(I'm just kidding, please help me.)

I love my family, my dogs, my boyfriend, and my friends.
I love gossips and talking shit
I hate the corrupt criminal justice system
I hate slow walkers walking in front of me
I've been scammed twice and I still cry over it
Other hobbies: Baking
I have low spice tolerance xd
I love takoyaki, cheesecake, my mom's spaghetti, my friend's mom's baked sushi, my father's cooking, and my boyfriend's carbonara
I love iced teas, frappes, and yogurt. I used to love coffee but COVID busted my nose and changed my smell receptors.
My Favorite Bands: Ghost, My Chemical Romance, Skillet, Three Days Grace. My ears are always open to different types of music but heavy metal is my cup of tea.
My favorite games: Monster Hunter series, Lara Croft: Tombraider, Minecraft, Borderlands series, Far Cry 5 and survival games!
Games I hate and piss me off but I still play: League of Legends, Valorant, Legends of Runeterra. (Funny how I spend more time playing these than my favorite games ) ( I hate myself that much)
I'm currently a Psychology student. Studying this program for my mentally unstable self and friends.
My older brother has intellectual disability so it's become my responsibility to take care of him soon. It is also why my parents decided to bring me into this world which I totally did not ask for.
I love animals and even if my persona is a frikin raccoon, I do not own one. So I demand ya'll ship one to my address
I just got myself into Dungeons and Dragons!